
跨运输脱碳, buildings and energy operations materially reduces emissions and costs and increases capital efficiency and asset value.

Published: 21 Jul 2023
Author: 托马斯·德洛森,运输部主管 & Mobility & Esther Perrin, Associate, WBCSD的移动数字化和克劳迪娅·丹尼尔, 埃森哲正规博彩十大网站排名战略分析师
Type: Insight

One-third (34%) 世界上最大的公司中有几家已经设定了公开的净零目标. 才有机会解决气候危机, companies now must move from ambition to action and cut their operational emissions across offices, 工业或制造场所和车队. 采用综合方法进行脱碳- 1.e., 跨建筑组合解决方案, fleets and energy – can put businesses on the fast track to low carbon.

The low-carbon opportunity

Global annual investment in all energy transition technologies reached a record high of USD 1.3 trillion in 2022. Still, this figure must quadruple by 2050 to remain under the 1.5°C global warming threshold.

Inflation, rising energy costs and supply bottlenecks risk slowing the implementation of net-zero transition plans. 然而,鉴于最近的政策和市场趋势, 现在是向低碳转型的最佳时机.

Governments are ushering companies toward tangible decarbonization as demonstrated by the European Commission’s EUR 2500亿欧元的绿色交易工业计划, the USD 承诺向清洁能源投入3700亿美元 根据美国通货膨胀减少法案(IRA),或 德国500亿欧元的工业脱碳计划.

清洁能源技术的全球投资 (i.e., renewable power, energy efficiency tech, grid technology, EVs, etc.) is now significantly larger – and growing significantly faster – than investment in fossil fuels. 

The price 清洁能源技术的发展处于历史最低水平; solar photovoltaics 是当今最便宜的能源吗, and since 2009 the price of electricity from utility-scale solar photovoltaics has declined by 89%. Similarly, the price of onshore wind electricity declined by 70% during the last 10 years.

图1:选定技术的平均价格,2014 - 2022. Reproduced from IEA (2023). 纵轴表示百万美元/兆瓦价格(名义价格).

Trailblazing companies demonstrate that an integrated approach to operational decarbonization, 跨建筑结合清洁能源技术, energy and mobility, 能否开启无数实现零净值的机会.


Buildings, energy and transport are the pillars of our infrastructure. Combining zero-emission solutions across these three pillars allows us to decarbonize physical assets faster and more efficiently.

For example, 现场清洁发电,零排放车辆充电, Heating, 通风和空调(HVAC)改进, 还有建筑和能源管理系统, have proven to create energy and cost efficiencies in sites like an office building in Finland, a logistics center in Norway, a French university campus, and even 比利时的整个城区.

As business leaders develop and implement roadmaps to decarbonize operations, 他们面临着成本和减排之间的权衡, what is technically feasible, and the return on investment. 通过采用综合方法, companies can align the decarbonization business case with medium and long-term sustainability plans and investment cycles:

  • Between 20% and 60% of CO2 emissions reduction can be achieved in offices, retail buildings, 校园和其他建筑类型通过综合改造. For example, at its Lausanne headquarters, the International Olympic Committee achieved a 减少35%的能源消耗 通过结合太阳能光伏和热泵.
  • An estimated 减少25-30%的资本和运营支出 can be reached at site-level for businesses that invest in integrated decarbonization solutions. 能耗成本最多可降低30%, and the sale of surplus power to the grid or paid EV charging provides potential revenue generation opportunities that help absorb the cost of implementation. In addition to the capital efficiency gains, bundling solutions contribute to 降低在脱碳方面的投资风险.
  • 实现的能源效率可以提高 property value, as buildings that are 能源方面的高评级以10-25%的溢价出售.

Integrated approaches allow companies to chart a new course that is faster, 效率更高,成本效益更高 传统的、孤立的脱碳方法. Integration can become a red thread connecting building managers with energy procurement and fleet managers, as well as sustainability and financial executives – making decarbonization a company-wide strategy. 

Figure 2: Examples of integrated approaches combining decarbonization solutions across buildings, energy and mobility decarbonization for various physical asset types.


综合办法要求 渐进式企业可持续治理 that consider synergies across operational function and enables partnerships between businesses, 子公司和技术供应商. 它们也提供了实验的机会 创新融资机制, such as incorporating new operational cost savings and revenue streams into loan and procurement agreements (see for example ESCO models).

Governments also have a role to play in accelerating the adoption of integrated approaches. The rise of on-site energy generation and smart grid technologies have surpassed the functionalities of the centralized energy supply model. Traditionally siloed pillars of operations must be connected and dynamically connected in order to shift to everything-as-a-grid. 这将需要支持跨行业数据共享和 数字解决方案的互操作性 促进楼宇管理系统之间的资讯交换, 移动基础设施和无功电网. An update of permitting processes and regulations will enable to develop and incorporate new technologies faster. Governments’ incentive packages to support the decarbonization of industry must consider integrated approaches and distributed energy resources (DER).


Switch, a new project by the 正规博彩十大网站(WBCSD), helps companies harness the potential of integrated approaches and adopt and scale solutions that abate operational emissions through:

  • Knowledge and advocacy – highlighting the value of integrated approaches through thought leadership and best practices sharing.
  • Integrated approach pilots – launching real-life applications of integrated approaches with member companies and building roadmaps for operational decarbonization.
  • 工具和指南开发 – supporting the development of an open-access tool to help companies estimate the benefits from integrated approaches and produce focused guidance on financing, 治理和政策前景.

更多信息,请联系:Esther Perrin (perrin@wbcsd).org)

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